Random Selection and Publication

All submissions will be numbered in order of submission.

On selection day, the editors will generate a series of numbers between 1 and the number of last submission using the Random Sequence Generator at Random.org. The editorial team will read the first twenty-four submissions resulting from this series of numbers. These will be the poems published unless, in the editors’ opinion, any poem is or could be reasonably construed to be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic or hate speech to any group or individual; or any kind of ‘punching down’. The editors’ decision about what is unacceptable is final and may include categories not previously anticipated. Anything unacceptable will be discarded and the poem with the twenty-fifth number in sequence will be read and added, and so on.

Contributors will then be contacted to ensure their poem is still available and to input on correct layout as usual. If a poem is unavailable, the next poem implied by the random sequence of numbers will be accepted.

The order of the poems as presented in the magazine will use the same randomised sequence, tweaked only for visual considerations.