Jon Alex Miller

In Summer When Trees 

How can you die in summer when trees 
are heavy in their green & insects 
circle paths of yellow-purples laid by you
& swallows spin a blue bowl above the garden 
loved by you & a passing rain puts drummers 
in your dreams & a song-thrush calls all 
colours before you

how can this be the last of your summers 
when open windows of your house catch 
the lazy rich air & long days stretch 
like oceans between far shores of night
maybe you are showing us 
maybe we are learning what it means 
that death after all isn’t leaving the world 
but returning into the heart of it

Jon Alex Miller lives in London with his husband and dog. He works with big businesses on climate change and social justice issues. He has poems published in Acumen, Acropolis, Atrium, Magma, the Haiku Quarterly and the Hyacinth Review.